Condor Engineering were tasked with underpinning a townhouse in Luddenden, Halifax. After a heavy downpour a cliff face partially collapsed underneath the residence, leaving it in a very precarious position. 
The house began to show subsidence, so it was determined through our geo-technical design that a series of soil nails were to be installed going under the house and a new foundation to be constructed using the soil nails as anchors to reinforce the entire structure. 
The conditions for the project were extremely arduous due to access to the drilling area as well as the weather, it was the middle of winter and regularly snowed causing the ground to be come saturated and very muddy. The access was through a side gate leading to a steep path causing our Husqvarna operator to use all his experience to navigate the terrain. 
Using the geotechnical design, the anchor locations were positioned and the Husqvarna with drill rig put into drilling position. The anchors were installed using air flush, this was done because it was unknown if the pressure build up from grout flush would cause further structural damage to the cliff face. 
Once all soil nails had been drilled to depth, they had grout pumped down them until the team saw a return of grout at ground level indicating that the bar and surrounding area had been fully saturated with grout. 
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