Condor Engineering Specialist Areas
With a forward thinking approach, Condor Engineering have developed many cost effective solutions to fix problems unique to areas such as the British Waterways canal network, highways and motorways, railways and listed structures.

Embankment stabilisation
As one of the largest areas of work for Condor Engineering Ltd, we have developed both systems and equipment that allow us to be among the most competitive in the UK. With our own Geotechnical engineering and independent testing facilities, Condor Engineering Ltd can offer a completely bespoke solution for to soil nailing and rock anchoring projects both alongside our transport network and any other unstable ground locations. Works already undertaken within the first quarter of 2013 include the M6 (Keele), M50 (Ross on Wye) and Network Rail work under PTS at Kemble nr Swindon. See our featured projects section for more detail.
With our compact range of drilling rigs, Condor Engineering Ltd also have the capability to work within confined and difficult terrain, allowing traffic to continue without disruption, if you would like to speak to experienced ground stabilisation contractors, then get in touch with us today.
Over the past 20 years, Condor Engineering Ltd has developed a range of techniques and equipment specifically designed to work on canal towpaths.
The tight restrictions in size and weight have required Condor Engineering Ltd to construct drilling and piling rigs to operate below the weight limits to preserve the side of the canals while constructing grout curtains, injecting resin and cut off barriers undertaking towpaths maintenance.
These are required to stop the water tracking through the ground, causing washout of the paths and lock side, eventually leading to the collapse of the canal. Condor has worked extremely close with British Waterways (Now Canal & River Trust) network and May Gurney across the full waterways network in respect of innovative ideas and even developing a unique waterproof grout.
Lock repairs
With a multi skilled workforce, Condor Engineering Ltd has all the necessary skills in house for the complete maintenance and repair of canal locks.
From pressure pointing and the replacement of brick, through to the reconstruction of stone banks and approach walls or to the drilling and grouting of the chambers, walls and floors, Condor Engineering Ltd can offer the complete package.
Unique to Condor Engineering Ltd, we have developed a system for the repositioning of stone blocks within the locks that have been pushed back by boats over the past 200 years of operation. Once pulled back out to the correct alignment, the voids and joints are re-grouted to ensure the block stays in the correct position. Unique to Condor Engineering Ltd, the portable coffer dam allows working in the lock without the costs and inconvenience of emptying the canal or installing a portable dam, saving both time and money.
Highway bridges
Working for a wide range of clients from major civil engineering and building companies to Local and County Councils, Condor Engineering Ltd have successfully completed numerous projects on both highway bridges and railway bridges. These have included ranged from the grouting of rail bridges on the East Coast main line to the underpinning and stabilisation of rail bridge abutments.
On the delicate and sometimes often listed stone road bridges around the North of England, Condor Engineering Ltd have been able to anchor failing arches, grout the abutments, and replace stone work and reinforcing steel, all within the tight specifications. Virtually all repairs are concealed within the structure so the repairs remain almost invisible to the naked eye and maintain their authentic look. Condor Engineering Ltd is also commissioned to undertake the controlled cutting up and dismantling of both the bridge desk and supporting piers.
Stabilising slopes above and below roads and railways can also be achieved with the use of gabions baskets and mattresses. Gabions and mattresses offer a practical solution to stability issues and with methods developed by Condor they can be installed relatively quickly and cleanly.
At Condor Engineering Ltd, we have years of experience with the use of these techniques to provide not only a solution to a stability issue, but also offer an attractive and inexpensive result. The additional advantages of gabions are the easy to install and the protection against washout and erosion.
With a fully trained workforce, all with CSCS, confined space and safety passports, working below roads and railways are done to the highest level of safety. The refurbishment of the walls and soffits by anchoring, pointing and sprayed concrete is achieved quickly and without disruption to the traffic.
Boundary walls
In June 2011, Condor Engineering Ltd was contracted by the National Trust to help with the support and stabilisation of the boundary walls to the Shugborough Estate in Staffordshire. Initially, we supplied Duckbill galvanised MR-3 anchors, but following in-situ site tests, bedrock required the change to a rock anchor and grout option.
We also installed Duckbill MR-88 anchor drains at 3 metre intervals to relieve any hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Due to the position of the wall and the close proximity of the footpath, the use of a conventional pat-tress plate with a protruding nut and washer could have caused an obstruction to any passing pedestrians.
The solution designed by Condor Engineering Ltd was to reverse engineer the plates, allowing the fixings to be fixed to the underside of the pat-tress plate, leaving a smooth surface. The end result was an aesthetically pleasing and practical solution, receiving the approval of both the National Trust Building Surveyor and their Consulting Structural Engineer.
Ground stabilisation contractors
At Condor Engineering, we can provide world-class ground stabilisation in the UK to suit any project. Our bespoke tools and slope stabilisation equipment allow us to carry out work on even the most challenging terrain quickly and efficiently. In addition, we’re able to provide support in emergency stabilisation situations and scheduled appointments. With a focus on delivering unbeatable quality at the highest value possible, Condor Engineering are the right specialist contractors for your business.
As specialists in ground stabilisation in the UK, we offer several services that give the best experience possible to our customers. We are flexible and experienced and have support across the country to help you with your needs.
Emergency or scheduled solutions
Nationwide support
Over 25 years of experience
Expertise and equipment to work on any project
All staff trained to CSCS standard
Able to provide SSSTS qualified workers
Received multiple DTI Innovation Awards
Focus on providing first-class value
Crib wall Repairs contractors
A crib wall is a sophisticated and highly versatile structure that stops soil escaping from a slope and causing the land to become unstable. As a result, the slope remains resilient and maintains different elevations between sections of land, with surrounding environments ranging from busy motorways to private driveways.
Crib walls diversify the way land is used, such as facilitating the construction of new roads as well as the application of hillside farming. This makes their ongoing structural integrity crucial to the safety of any people, machinery, property, crops and livestock that access or are permanently based on the site.
At Condor Engineering, we have over 30 years experience. With our professional team of geotechnical consultants, we’re able to provide solutions across a wide range of services to the highest standards.
We are at the forefront of geotechnical engineering companies, benefiting from the latest in technology. We are actively researching and developing new techniques, machinery and methods to ensure we always provide the best results. For more information on why your company should choose Condor Engineering for your next geotechnical engineering project, visit our about us page.